Youth Ministry in Communion is committed to safeguarding children and young people:
Each individual parish is responsible for their own safeguarding policies and procedures, as is required by the law and Church of England governance. As a youth network, we expect all our parishes to have up to date safeguarding policies and guidance in place and these can generally be found on each individual parish's website.
Every parish is also required to support and ensure all volunteers and paid workers are DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked and appropriately trained in safeguarding.
Any safeguarding concerns?
If it's an emergency and someone is in danger, dial 999.
In all other cases, concerns should be reported to parish safeguarding officers. You can also seek safeguarding advice from the Diocese of London helpine by calling 020 7932 1224 or the Thirtyone:eight helpline on 0303 003 1111.
Safeguarding Guidance:
We have also developed in co-operation with the Diocese of London some guidance for the best safeguarding practice across network events. You can see this by clicking here.
In addition to individual parish safeguarding policies (which should be available on parish websites), as a network, we also follow the guidance set out in 'Promoting a safer church'.